UC Center Program
Fall 2009
Introductory language Practicum - Section 2

Claudia Fontu

9 am- 12 noon

Office Hours



The three-week practicum, an intensive grammar course intended to immerse students in the French language and culture and provide a “jump start” for the semester of study in Paris, includes daily class sessions that meet from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon, Monday through Friday. A number of excursions are scheduled to introduce Paris.

Excursions last around 2 to 3 hours.


  • Jansma, K., Motifs: An Introduction to French, Heinle, 4th Edition, 2007



Welcome to Paris and to the French language! The French language practicum teaches listening, speaking, reading and writing with a focus on communication. You will have the opportunity to use everything you learn in class, as you go about your daily activities. You can expect to be able to talk about your friends and family, your courses, your living situation, and a wide variety of activities. While you are learning how to speak the language, you will continue your introduction to the culture of the French speaking world. To immerse you in the language, only French will be spoken in class. Although you are not expected to understand every word, try to follow the gist by paying attention to the context. You will find your comprehension increasing as the course progresses.


Your French class will become a small, tightly-knit community. This is the place where you should take risks in trying to express yourself. Try to use the new vocabulary and grammar in creating your own meaning. This is one of the best strategies to really learn the language and to make the vocabulary and grammar a part of your linguistic repertoire. Don’t always wait to be called on. Initiate! Ask questions. Follow up on the comments of others. Say the unexpected. Listen to your classmates so that you can ask questions and respond. Silently answer all questions, including those not directed towards you. If you have trouble speaking up but still want to participate, let your instructor know you wish to be called on. And finally, don’t compare your French with your classmates’.


  1. ATTENDANCE: Daily attendance is mandatory. This class will move at a brisk pace. New topics with associated grammar and vocabulary will be presented every day. Absences will automatically lower your class participation grade. If you MUST be absent, let your instructor know.
  2. ORAL PARTICIPATION: 25% of your grade is based on your oral work in class, a combination of your ability and overall effort.
  3. HOMEWORK: Daily homework will be assigned and collected at the beginning of the next class. Every assignment must include the following: your name, instructor’s name, date, page and exercise number. An assignment will receive a √ if it is completed. Homework that is more substantial will receive a √+, a √ or a √ -. NO LATE HOMEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED.
  4. COMPOSITION : Compositions are an opportunity for you to use French creatively, pulling together everything you have learned to describe the afternoon excursions. An “A” composition will be accurate, thoroughly address the topic and express something unique about you, the writer. Compositions are to be typed, double-spaced 12 point font.
  5. QUIZZES AND EXAMS: There will be a quiz at the end of each week of the practicum. The exam at the end of the practicum will be cumulative, addressing all of the grammatical structures discussed in class and practiced in homework exercises.

Attendance, participation and in-class work
2 quizzes
3 Excursion Reports


Vendredi 21/08
MODULE 1: Se présenter et se saluer. Identifier les personnes et les choses. Les descriptions personnelles.

  • Grammaire: Différence entre tu et vous. Qu’est-ce que c’est? Qui est-ce? Est-ce que...?
  • Conjugaison du verbe être. Couleurs, adjectifs. Alphabet. Chiffres de 1-60.
    Présentation images et texte: Opéra Garnier.
  • Devoirs: Petit portrait , p. 21; #1-9, Tout ensemble! pp. 22-27.

Visite: Opéra

Lundi 24/08
MODULE 2: Les distractions. Exprimer les préférences.

La vie universitaire en France.

  • Grammaire: Verbes en -ER. Négation. L’article défini. Il y a..../Il n’y a pas de...
    Chanson en rapport avec l’excursion.
  • Devoirs: #1-6 pp. 51-53.

Visite: La Villette/Cité de la Musique


Mardi 25/08
MODULE 2 suite: Les cours. Le calendrier (jours de la semaine, les mois et les saisons). Les fêtes. L’âge.

• Grammaire: Le verbe avoir. Négation des articles indéfinis.
• Devoirs: p. 42, #7-8 p. 51-53. Tout ensemble! p. 55. Révision quiz#1.

Mercredi 26/08
MODULE 3: La famille. D’où vient votre famille?
QUIZ #1.

  • Grammaire: Adjectifs possessifs, possession de + nom. Verbes comme venir. Les adjectifs (les accords et le placement).
    Vidéo/Extrait de film en rapport avec l’excursion.
  • Devoirs: #1-8, pp. 80-84. Rapport #1 sur l’excursion.

Visite: Quartier Latin

Jeudi 27/08
MODULE 3 suite: La chambre. Que voyez-vous autour de vous? Comment compter en français?

  • Grammaire: Les prépositions de lieu. Les chiffres.
    Chanson en rapport avec l’excursion. Tradition et saveur: le thé à la menthe.
  • Devoirs: Maintenant à vous! p. 67. Moi et ma chambre, p. 79. Description de la chambre. Tout ensemble! #9 p. 85.

Visite: La Mosquée/ Les Arènes


Vendredi 28/08
MODULE 4: Les métiers. Les lieux de travail. Que faites-vous dans la vie?

  • Grammaire: Il/Elle est... vs. C’est... + métier. Verbe aller + à. Contractions à + article défini.
  • Devoirs: #1-4, pp. 111-114.

Lundi 31/08
MODULE 4 suite: Quelle heure est-il? Les loisirs. Que faites-vous après le travail? Les projets. Qu’allez-vous faire ce semestre? Où allez-vous aller?

  • Grammaire: Comment dire l’heure. Verbes faire et jouer pour parler des activités. Futur proche.
    Extrait de film sur Montmartre.
  • Devoirs: #5-10, pp. 113-116.
    Rapport #2 sur l’excursion. Révision quiz #2.

Visite: Montmartre


Mardi 01/09
MODULE 4 fin: Interrogatif.
MODULE 5: Comment parler au téléphone/Comment inviter. QUIZ #2.

  • Grammaire: Verbes comme sortir; verbes pouvoir, devoir, vouloir.
    Jeu de rôles. Extrait d’une pièce de théâtre.
  • Devoirs: #9-10 pp.116, Tout ensemble! p.119, #3-4 p. 144.

Mercredi 02/09
MODULE 5 suite: La météo. Rendez-vous au café.

  • Grammaire: Mots interrogatifs. Pronoms accentués. Le verbe prendre. Chanson en rapport avec l’excursion. Extrait de film
  • Devoirs: #5-6 pp. 145-146. #7 p.148. Rapport #3 sur l’excursion.

Visite: Belleville/ Père Lachaise

Jeudi 03/09
Révisions pour l’examen final.

• Grammaire: Révision finale. Exercices polycopiés.
• Devoirs: réviser pour l’examen final.

Vendredi 04/09