Electronic Resources (General)
In addition to the library's hardcopy collection, UC students are also encouraged to make use of the resources available to them via the California Digital Library (CDL), which includes useful electronic journal collections such as J-STOR and MUSE, or newspapers etc with Lexis-Nexis.
Specific resource pages are available for some courses at the UC Center Program.

The following list of journals and reviews in the CDL are relevant to research in the humanities and social sciences on France and Europe


  Collections – French Literature Journals on the CDL can be found by searching French literature (or any topic).
  Grove Dictionary of Art and Representations – (via JSTOR)
  Wide Angle – (via project muse)
  French Forum – (via project muse)
  French Review – (via jstor)
  French Studies – (via jstor)
  Nineteenth-Century French Studies – (via project muse)
  Yale French Studies – (via jstor)
  Diacritics (via jstor)
  New Literary History – (via jstor)

Other materials can be found in:
Art Abstracts (via cdl), Art Bulletin (via cdl), Art History (via cdl), Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media (via cdl), Cineast (via cdl), Film Comment (via cdl), Film Quarterly (via cdl), Journal of Popular Film and Television (via cdl), Modern Language Notes (via cdl, archive via jstor, Romanic Review (via cdl)


  French Historical Studies – (via project muse, archive via jstor)
  Pci Fulltext – archives
  Journal of Medieval and Early Modern studies – (via project muse)
  Science Direct – European Economic Review, European Journal of Political Economy
  Cambridge –  European Review of Economic History

Journal of Modern History (via cdl, archive via jstor), Past & Present (via cdl), Comparative Political Studies (via cdl), History review (via cdl), Journal of European Studies (via cdl)


France Today

  French Departments – Map featuring the different departements in France.

Historical Maps

  Encyclopedia Britannica Online – Password-protected, but probably the most useful for the course.  Last map dates to 1812.

Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection (U.T. Austin):

  David Rumsey Collection – Various historical maps of France from 1747 to 1922.
Electronic Resources in French

  French Cultural Services – best portal for French literary texts (and others)
  Virtual Library – another useful one for all periods of French history that has many digital texts from reviews and journals.
  ARTFL Project – University of Chicago Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language (via CDL), mostly literary.
  ATHENA – thousands of digital texts of French authors
  ABU – L'Association des Bibliophiles Universels.
  Gallica Classique – project of France's Bibliothèque nationale, thousands of literary and other texts on line.
  Electronic Text Center (Virginia) – collection of canonical French authors on line (via CDL)
  Fondation Voltaire – critical editions, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Bayle...
  BIUM – an electronic repository of texts about the history of medecine.

Links to Other Electronic Resources on France and French Studies

UC students have access via the California Digital Library to Lexis-Nexis, with full service search engines for online materials (recent newspapers, magazines, press) in English and French about current events.

  The Institut du Monde Arabe
  Bibliothèque Public d'Information – (Beaubourg) excellent page of web resources.
  French Institute for Culture and Technology – University of Pennsylvania
  French Resources – from the University of Toronto, including La Culture Francophone
  Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links – some serious links
  Dave's French Literature Links – from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century
  Appstate.edu – Francophone Sites